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Cubicle to Sanctuary: Makeover of a Corporate Workspace

There’s a silent revolution unfurling in the corporate corridors. The cubicle, once a boxed embodiment of mechanical efficiency, is undergoing a transformation, morphing into a sanctuary where c...
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How can I go from burnout to self care

What People are talking about burnout? I feel like my body is running on adrenaline. It’s as if I am trying to run a marathon at a sprint pace - every single day at work. I have been consi...



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Tools to Clean Your Mind’s Mess: A Journey from Clutter to Clarity

In the complex and fast-paced world of corporate dynamics, the mind often becomes a reservoir of unfiltered thoughts, pressures, and anxieties. Amidst this mental clutter, finding clarity, focus, and ...


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5 Uncommon Stressors at Work and How to Deal with Them

Navigating through the daily hustle and bustle of the corporate world, employees often encounter stressors that are evident and frequently discussed - deadlines, workload, and interpersonal relationsh...

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Career Advice with #SideKick

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